
Saving for my bird nest

Planning for the future as a preparation for the following years after my retirement. Just need to set this earlier in case my short term planning are not wholly achieved. From the day, I am writing this post. I still have another 32 years of preparation of doing seeds planning. Better start now before its too late. Normal life of people only start worrying their retirement life at early age of 40s (10 years of preparation is not enough as we already has too much commitment such as our child education, cars, housing, loan and even credit card commitment).

Just a basic calculation to shows how important to start now investing for the future :
FV = PV \cdot (1+i)^t
FV = RM30,000(1.09)^32
= RM472,899.86

With this amount, it will helps us and contribute our monthly income around ~RM5,000